Jesus Miracles

Salvation Thru Jesus
Jesus Miracles of Jesus

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Great Flash Movies


Jesus was supernatural. He performed many miracles to help people in need. These miracles were a sign of His divinity.


Jesus attended a wedding and they ran out of wine to drink. After His disciples filled six water pots with water Jesus caused the water to become very tasty wine.

Bible Passage


Jesus healed a boy who was about to die.

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Jesus healed a man with an unclean spirit.

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Jesus healed Simon's mother-in-law from a fever. At the same home He also healed many who were sick of different diseases and cast out many devils.

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Jesus healed a man of leprosy.

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Jesus healed a paralytic who could not walk.

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Jesus healed an importent man.

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Jesus cured many people of infirmities and plagues and of evil spirits.

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Jesus healed a man with a withered hand.

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Jesus healed multitudes of people.

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Jesus healed a servant who was sick and tormented.

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Jesus healed a dead man who then sat up and began to speak.

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Jesus healed one possessed with a devil, caused the blind to see and the mute to speak.

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Jesus rebuked the winds and the sea that covered the boat and the sea became calm.

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Jesus cast the devils out of two exceedingly fierce men. These men were naked, wild and could not be held with chains. They were living in the cemetery.

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Jesus healed a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years and the doctors could not cure her. She touched His clothing and was healed instantly.

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Jesus took a girl who died at the age of 12 and caused her to walk and to eat.

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Jesus healed two blind men and a mute man, and every sickness.

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Jesus' disciples healed all manner of sickness and disease.

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Jesus took two fish and 5 rolls of bread and fed 5000 men plus the women and children and had 12 baskets of food left over.

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Jesus walked on the water during a bad storm.

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Jesus healed as many as touched Him or touched the border of his clothing.

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Jesus healed a girl grievously vexed with a devil.

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Jesus caused multitudes of lame to walk, blind to see, mute to talk, and maimed to be made whole.

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Jesus healed a deaf man who had a speech impediment, tongue was loosed.

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Jesus fed 4,000 men plus women and children with 7 pieces of bread and a few little fish, and 7 baskets full were left over.

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Jesus healed a blind man.

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Jesus healed lunatic who was foaming at the mouth and gnashing his teeth as he threw himself into the fire.

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Jesus healed a man who was blind from his birth.

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Jesus heals a woman who had a spirit of infirmity 18 years; she was bowed over and could not stand up.

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Jesus healed man of dropsy.

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Jesus raised Lazarus who had been dead four days.

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Jesus healed 10 men who were lepers.

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Jesus healed blind Bartimeus.

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Jesus touched and healed the soldier whose right ear had been cut off with a sword.

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Jesus was resurrected from the dead after 3 days.

Bible Passage


Praise God Daily, Pray Without Ceasing

30 Great Topical Chapters
1 The Ten Commandments chapter Exod. 20
2 The reassurance chapter Josh. 1
3 The faithfulness of God chapter Josh. 14
4 The shepherd chapter Psalms 23
5 The confession of sin chapter Psalms 51
6 The praise of God chapter Psalms 103
7 The Word of God chapter Psalms 119
8 The wisdom chapter Prov. 8
9 The virtuous woman chapter Prov. 31
10 The majesty of God chapter Isa. 40
11 The great invitation chapter Isa. 55
12 The Beatitudes chapter Matt. 5
13 The Lord's Prayer chapter Matt. 6
14 The sower and seed chapter Matt. 13
15 The protection of the sheep chapter John 10
16 The comfort chapter John 14
17 The abiding chapter John 15
18 The justification chapter Romans 5
19 The santification chapter Romans 6
20 The glorification chapter Romans 8
21 The marriage chapter 1 Cor. 7
22 The gifts chapter 1 Cor. 12
23 The love chapter 1 Cor. 13
24 The Resurrection chapter 1 Cor. 15
25 The fruit of the Spirit chapter Gal. 5
26 The faith chapter Heb. 11
27 The chastisement chapter Heb. 12
28 The tongue chapter James 3
29 The reason for suffering chapter 1 Pet. 4
30 The fellowship chapter 1 John 1

Mary's Lamb



Very True, You Reap what You Sow

Think carefully about

what you will be reading.  
This is a new one for me...

Mary! had a little Lamb,

His fleece was white as snow.
And everywhere that Mary went,
The Lamb was sure to go.

He followed her to school each day,

T'wasn't even in the rule.
It made the children laugh and play,
To have a Lamb at school.

And then the rules all changed one day,

Illegal it became;
To bring the Lamb of God to school,
Or even speak His Name!

Every day got worse and worse,

And days turned into years.
Instead of hearing children laugh,
We heard gun shots and tears.

What must we do to stop the crime,

That's in our schools today?
Let's let the Lamb come back to school,
And teach our kids to pray!

Pray For Our Schools

If you agree, please pass this on.  

It is said that 86% of Canadian,

American & British people believe in God.

Why don't we just tell the other 14%

to be quiet and sit down????

If you agree, pass this on, if not delete.

God Bless  you




[At their request, we have not included the last names of the two soldiers interviewed for this article.]

Our military personnel in the Middle East face daily dangers from roadside bombs and enemy fire. Not only do we support our soldiers to do their jobs, but we also recognize the absolute importance of praying for these courageous people who are placing their lives on the line to serve America. Many people in the military can testify about God's faithfulness to answer those prayers with great protection in the midst of serious jeopardy. This is just one story that two Green Berets had to share.

On January 28, 2007, a group of US Special Forces soldiers, along with the Iraqi Special Forces they had trained, were getting ready to leave the Iraqi city of Najaf. Sergeant First Class Donny told us, "We were just about to head out when we got a call asking if we could help the mayor get out of this little firefight he was in."
Ready to help, they drove down to the troubled spot and spent the next three to four hours fighting until they had successfully rescued the mayor of Najaf. When that mission had been accomplished, they returned to their Najaf operating base "and got plussed up with ammo and food and gas."

Staff Sergeant Tyler told us, "We're thinking, 'That was bad.' Dude. That wasn't even the beginning of it. It just got worse and worse and worse."

The second time they tried to get ready to leave, they got a second call, "Hey, we got an Army bird down," and they went back out to rescue a downed US helicopter, hoping the personnel on board were still alive. "It was kind of weird, with fires coming from all over the place, people taking pot shots from alleys or berms. The desert's kind of crazy," Donny told us.

Tyler said, "Then we picked a route, and it just happened that that route went through the center of the Heaven's Army. And right there is the 12th Imam surrounded by all his people."

They had decided they'd drive around a big berm and out to the helicopter crash site. "We had to drive between two berms," Donny said, "That's not good – it's a perfect place for an ambush." There didn't appear to be any other route to the helicopter, so the train of trucks carrying fewer than 100 US and Iraqi soldiers began to drive right between the two berms. As soon as they did, men later identified as the Army of Heaven Muslim cult poured up to the top of the berms and began shooting down at them from only 15-20 feet away.

"They used the berm as cover and started shooting at us, basically at point blank range," Donny said. "I was inside the Humvee behind bullet-proof glass, but the guys like Tyler in the back of the truck, they were only protected on the sides - the back was open and totally exposed."

Tyler later found out that his sister and father and brother all had sudden urges to pray for him that day. "I was walking through the front door," his sister told us, "and I thought, 'Wow, Tyler really could die.' So I stopped and prayed for him and his team members right then. Then I went on with my day."

The ambush was serious. "We were fish in a barrel," Donny said. "They had a little mini-city they were building there, and we drove right into the middle of that hornet's nest."

"But you guys didn't get shot?" we asked.

"It's so weird, I didn't get a scratch," Tyler said. "Not a single scratch. And this is like, you put your finger up in the air, and it gets shot off. It was unbelievable fury! Unbelievable fury! The Imam's guys were so close we could reach out and touch them. I was definitely red most of the time on my ammo."

"Can you believe that?" Donny said, "That's God."

Fewer than 100 US and Iraqi soldiers were attacked by an army of 600-1000 fighters who believed their leader was the Muslim Messiah.

"These guys were high," Donny said. "I'm looking directly into these guys' eyes through my bullet-proof window, and they were high."

One by one the US trucks drove through that ambush, and Donny was afraid the enemy would shoot out their tires and overrun them. Instead, one by one the trucks all made it through and they were able to drive far enough to turn around and get into a good position to battle back. They battled until nightfall, waiting until it was dark enough to check out the burning, charred helicopter.

Donny said, "We're not the ones who did the battle damage assessment, but there were over 300 we killed, you know, between us and calling in fire, and 300-400 more were arrested."

In contrast, the US side lost two Iraqis during the fight. Tyler grieved over the two Iraqis, men that he had trained. Not a single American was seriously injured.

"Generally, if you set up an ambush," Donny pointed out, "you should kill somebody. I'm not saying they were bad, because it was a pretty good ambush, but we had God."

Tyler said, "After a battle like that, you don't know what to say to your guys - to the Iraqis we had trained - to motivate them to continue fighting. After a fight like that, even though we won, it was a hard, hard win. You don't know what to say to them. But, every single one of them, down to the new 18-year-olds, they all came back the next day. Because they can quit if they want - it would be hard to keep them from running off. But, they didn't. It really speaks volumes of them. I'll never again doubt the abilities of the Iraqis to fight.

The Army later learned that the Soldiers of Heaven had been intending to attack Najaf the next day on the climax of the annual Shiite celebration of Ashura.  They intended to massacre the clerical leadership, take charge of Najaf, and declare their leader the 12th Imam.   The US soldiers' route between the wrong two berms ended all of that.

Tyler said, "Afterward, when it was all done, Donny looked at me and said, 'We need to pray,' and I said, 'Roger that.' We got down on our knees and thanked God."




Jesus Christ spent his days teaching and healing people, and even feeding people miraculously. His authority did not stop there, though. During a fierce storm on the Sea of Galilee, when the disciples feared the boat would capsize, they woke Jesus up from his nap in the bottom of the boat.  Mark 4:39 tells us that Jesus  stood and said, "Peace. Be still." Instantly the storm ceased. He then reproved the disciples for their lack of faith.  There should be no wonder there; of course God has authority even over the weather - and Jesus can still calm storms today.  The following is the first of two different stories we have to share about God's hand in protecting His children even in the fiercest of weather.

The Drake Passage
In March of 1980, Bryce Gaudian was on the US Coast Guard icebreaker Polar Sea on an Operation Deep Freeze mission to Antarctica. The ship was crossing the Drake Passage to go to Ushuaia, Argentina, the southernmost city in the entire world, to pick up some N.O.A.A. scientists to take them back down to Antarctica to study penguin rookeries. The Pacific and the Atlantic meet at the Drake Passage, and it's historically known for being a stormy region.

On that trip, Bryce said, "We hit a doozy of a storm." The storm lasted three days with 40-foot seas, and after three days in a ship with everything closed up, the air got foul. "The ship rolled to and fro, sideways and front ways, and waves are crashing," Bryce said. "It was an awful storm, and seasickness is such a terrible phenomenon to the body. It's horrible. You just feel forsaken."

After three days of this, Bryce decided he really needed to petition God on behalf of the ship:
"I felt a necessity to go outside to pray. I worked my way to the fantail of the ship, the back of the ship. I looked out the porthole, and I saw a coil of wire, and I reasoned that I could hold on to it. As the ship rolled from side to side, I could see the sky was dark with storm clouds. It was a dark stormy sky on both sides of the ship. I said a short prayer, Lord, 'I'm out here in the middle of nowhere, but I know that because you created me, you care for me, and a lot of us on the ship are hurting a lot right now. I know that you calmed the sea for the disciples, and I pray that you would calm the ocean for us too.'

"I opened my eyes after saying this short prayer, and the ship rolled to my left, and out of a previously dark stormy sky, I saw an enormous double rainbow, and the ship rolled to my right, and there were these beaming streams of light coming through the dark clouds. And I knew, I had an absolute peace in my heart, that God had heard my prayer and I knew that God cared about me in the middle of nowhere. So I went back into the ship and told my friends that God had heard my prayer. And it was just a couple of hours later that the previously stormy seas were calmed to glass. And we had no more storms the 8000 miles back home to our home port of Pier 36 in Seattle. "
Bryce has since experienced many examples of the power of God working in his life and in the lives of the people around him. "It doesn't matter if you're on a ranch in Wyoming or in the middle of a big city," he said, "there's nowhere on the planet that God can't hear you from. It affirmed in me forever that God hears us, He cares about us, and He can take care of us no matter where we are. Like the Psalm says, 'If I go to the depths , You are there. ' Even in the Drake Passage, God heard me."




Last week we told about Bryce Gaudian's experience with a storm in the Drake Passage. This week we have two more storms in which God's hand is clearly visible in providing protection – in one case, before thousands of witnesses.

The Columbus Day Storm of 1962
On October 12, 1962, the Pacific Northwest experienced arguably the most severe extratropical storm of the century. The Heuval family of Brush Prairie, Washington recalls this infamous cyclone and God's protection in the middle of it.

The storm hit only a few days after Jim Heuval's sixth birthday, and he remembers that Mr. Christianson let their class out early. He skipped home happily in the swirling leaves to find that most of the rest of the family was home early that day too - Mom and Dad, Jim's sisters Helen, Ruth and Nancy as well as his brother Bill. As Jim watched through the single pane windows; the trees in the woods below the house swayed in the ever increasing winds.

Bill Heuval remembers that day vividly. He was older, and at age 11 he had to ride the bus home from school. "I remember a tree had fallen down across the road," Bill said, "and some woman came out screaming that a tree had fallen on her house and she was afraid there would be an electrical fire." When he finally got home from school, Bill's mother sent him down to the field to get a calf and put it in the barn, and on the way down he'd put his arms out and let the wind blow him across the field. "I was just having fun," Bill said.

Back in the house, the black phone rang. The boys' older brother Victor needed a ride home from a logging camp high up in the Cascade Mountains. Jim told us, "Minutes later, Dad was driving our Studebaker Scotsman with me as his sole passenger. Little did we realize, we were driving through one of the strongest storms to assail the Pacific Northwest in the 20th Century."

To reach Victor, Jim's father John Heuval had to drive across the Yale Bridge, a 300-foot steel span suspended from two 88 foot high towers 50 feet above the Lewis River. "I most vividly remember this portion of our journey," Jim said, because the Yale Bridge, "was visibly rolling and swaying in the wind." Yet, the Studebaker Scotsman made it across.

It was dark when they arrived at Victor's boarding house.   The three of them still had to turn around and drive back to the farm, a circuitous route through the howl of hurricane force winds, often through roadside fields to avoid fallen trees and power lines, taking care not to re-cross the Yale Bridge.

Back at the house, Bill remembers, "The house was shaking like a son of a gun, and the wind picked up gravel off the driveway and shattered the window on the front door of the house. I remember we were praying that God would keep the house on its foundations." The old farmhouse they lived in was more than 80-years-old and had never been properly attached to its rock foundation. "The farmhouse was just resting on rock; there was no concrete … no hold down straps, that's for sure," Bill said. "I remember being on the floor praying and praying."

God answered those prayers in tangible ways. When Dad, Jim and Victor got home, the entire outside of the house was visibly swaying with each gust of the deafening wind. Inside, the house, though, there was no movement. Jim said, "Dad parked close to the front door and carried me into the eerily swaying house. Inside, I could still hear loud cries of wind sweeping up the side of the hill and slamming the side of the house, yet there was no interior movement of the walls - no vibration, nothing!"

When the storm was over, the Heuval family learned that their next-door neighbors' entire garage had been picked up, carried 100 feet, and dumped over upside down in their front yard. The biggest fir tree on the Heuval land had been blown over, and they'd lost three huge locust trees around their house too. Yet, the Heuval farmhouse resting on its rock foundation hadn't lost a shingle. "God miraculously kept the house on its foundations, and no trees fell on the house," Bill said. "Most importantly," said Jim, "God had protected us all."

The 1999 Oshkosh Tornado:
Thousands of Pathfinder campers gathered for the annual worldwide Pathfinder Camporee in Oshkosh, Wisconsin in early August 1999. Laurian Garletts volunteered as one of the camp leaders that year, and she remembers that there were, "bazillions of kids." There was also a terrible storm brewing. Lauren said:
"The tornado warnings kept going off, and we kept asking, 'Do we need to take shelter?' Which, there was no shelter because we were all in tents in a big field. The leaders were all trying to figure out what to do."

Kathryn Styer was 15-years-old at the time, and she said, "I was deathly afraid of tornadoes." She had always hated storms as a child because she feared there would be a tornado. Perhaps her phobia was influenced by The Wizard of Oz. "My mom loves that movie," Kathryn said.

The storm that day in 1999 made a large impression on Kathryn. "There were tornado threats. I remember we were waiting to go to sleep in our tents, and we heard the sirens. The adults were worried, and we all got out and prayed. I was terrified, but I really felt peaceful praying, and I felt like God was going to protect us."

In Laurian's prayer group, she told everybody, "I think we should be praising God, like in the Bible. We should be praising God in advance for protection." All the groups had formed prayer circles all around the camp.

Finally, somebody decided the campers should head for the airplane hangar near the airfield, but Laurian was skeptical, "I was thinking, 'Oh great. Now instead of having tent pegs flying at us, we'll have huge I-beams landing on us.'"

They faced real danger. The tornado was heading straight for the camp, and if it had hit, it would have ripped right through thousands campers. Instead, the tornado that had been heading toward them split in half and missed the camp altogether.

"It was the big news that week," Laurian said. "The tornado came right at our camp, then split and went around and joined again on the other side. The satellites picked it up, and for the next few days the news kept replaying the satellite imagery over and over. We couldn't see it from the center of the camp – the camp was huge - but there was devastation all around us. "

Kathryn said, "After the threat passed, the next morning when we woke up they told us what had happened. It was amazing. "

We asked, "Were you ever afraid of tornadoes after that?"

"No," Kathryn said. "I wasn't. It's also a story that I can share with people who may not know God, because even if I don't say that God did it, it's just obvious."

No matter what storm we are facing in our lives, we know that God is able to protect us through it and bring us safely to the other side. As Jesus said in John 16:33, "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." God never said our lives would be storm-free, but He did promise He would never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).